When you need a phlebotomist, it’s usually because someone is sick. You don’t want to wait around for days or weeks to get the blood sample you need. You just want it today. And who wants to bring their loved one into a medical laboratory or hospital?
A phlebotomist, or “phlebotomy technician” as they are also known, performs venipuncture procedures by removing a small amount of blood from a patient to collect it for testing. This includes drawing blood from veins in the arm or hand, as well as taking samples from other parts of the body.
With our mobile phlebotomy services, we come to you! We’ll come directly to your home or business and draw the blood samples that you need. Our phlebotomists are qualified and friendly and will handle your loved one with care.
Our clinical laboratory in Florida provides friendly service and quick turnaround times so that you can get your results back quickly without having to pay exorbitant fees.
Quality Clinical Lab DBA Express Laboratory Services LLC also offers prenatal testing and drug screening, as well as the processing of lab specimens within 24 hours of collection.
If you would like more information about how our express laboratory in Holiday, Florida can assist with your needs, please call us today at 727-935-2588!
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